Tham khảo Tây Nhung

  1. Cioffi-Revilla, Claudio; Lai, David (1995). “War and Politics in Ancient China, 2700 BC to 722 BC”. The Journal of Conflict Resolution. 39 (3): 471–72.Quản lý CS1: ref=harv (liên kết)
  2. Guo, Shirong; Feng, Lisheng (1997). “Chinese Minorities”. Trong Selin, Helaine (biên tập). Encyclopaedia of the history of science, technology and medicine in non-western cultures. Dordrecht: Kluwer. tr. 197. ISBN 978-0-79234066-9. During the Warring Stares (475 BC–221 BC), feudalism was developed and the Huaxia nationality grew out of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou nationalities in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River. The Han evolved from the Huaxia.